“WakeUp!” – magic art ritual


Available on backorder

Invocation – invite and put a demonic creature on contract for aims he’s capable to bring to life, once. For revenge, manilupation or any destructive aim if the Operator is absolutely confident in his wish
Please request free help in selecting an artifact for you personal situation if you hesitate.

The painting enchanted as contract with a Demonic Creature – for those who feel inner readiness to this sort of co-operation

A trapped Demon under contract materialized in a magic art piece. A serious companion for ambitious people, with a wide range of abilities – from protestion to revenge, from manipulating people’s minds to creating tricky scenarios for the Owner’s goals and success

Invocation – invite and put a demonic creature on contract for aims he’s capable to bring to life, once. For revenge, manilupation or any destructive aim if the Operator is absolutely confident in his wish


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